The campaign has ended, but … the Cause Goes On
Hal Moroz was a candidate for Justice on the Supreme Court of Georgia on the June 9th, 2020 Election, which was also the Presidential Primary day in the Great State of Georgia! Although he lost this race, Judge Moroz garnered 446,026 votes from across the great State of Georgia and brought national attention to the problems facing our modern judiciary.
Explore Books by Hal Moroz
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Experience * Common Sense * Justice
My name is Hal Moroz, and I am running for Justice on the Supreme Court of Georgia. I would like to introduce myself to you and tell you why I care about the future of our courts in the Great State of Georgia!
I served more than 20 years in the United States military. Later, I served the good citizens of our state as both a County Judge and as a City Chief Judge in Georgia. As a Deputy Chief Assistant District Attorney, I successfully prosecuted criminals in one of Georgia’s toughest jurisdictions. I have also represented military veterans in courts up to and including the United States Supreme Court. Everything about my life has been SERVICE to a cause greater than self.
I am running for this office to further serve my fellow citizens as a Justice on Georgia's highest court, and to reclaim the foundations upon which our great state and country were founded. I support the Constitution as written and a return to common sense in our judiciary. My campaign is based on three foundations ... Experience, Common Sense, and Justice.
Experience * Common Sense * Justice *
* Experience: Citizens deserve Supreme Court Justices with broad experience in life and the law. My Experience in life and the law differentiates me from my opponent, more than anything else. I have served both as a prosecuting attorney and a judge. I have been a soldier and a teacher, and have the experience that reflects the diversity of the citizens of our communities, including those like myself who have held careers in the military, in my case the United States Army where my home was Fort Benning.
* Common Sense: Highlighting and Integrating the Rights of Victims in our courtrooms, and revisiting notions like trial court judges acting as a "13th juror" to nullify the guilty verdicts of juries in criminal cases is a priority of mine. These types of actions always favor the defendants, and never side with the State, the victims, or the other constitutionally recognized jurors. Trial court judges should respect the verdicts of our juries.
* Justice: I believe all judges must hold strict adherence to the Constitution and laws as written, never substituting the will of the judge for what the law actually says. This is my priority. Judicial activism is wrong. Lawmaking is the constitutional responsibility of the legislature, not the judiciary.
God willing, WITH YOUR VOTE ON THE JUNE 9 ELECTION, I will win this race for Georgia's Families and the Rule of Law!
Isn't it time for Georgia to Experience Common Sense Justice?
On June 9,* 2020, VOTE:
Hal Moroz for Supreme Court Justice in Georgia!
*Note: Early Voting is HAPPENING NOW!
Gwinnett Forum Endorsement of
Hal Moroz for Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia
Photos of Hal Moroz as a soldier, statesman, judge and candidate …
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
~ Ephesians 5:15-16, KJV
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
~ Isaiah 6:8, KJV
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
~ 1 Corinthians 10:31, KJV
Campaign Video - Hal Moroz for Justice on the Supreme Court of Georgia
The Memorial Day 2020 Interview on The Lighthouse WECC 89.3FM Christian Radio
iHeart Radio Advertisement in Georgia
Campaign spot ~ iHeart radio across georgia
Campaign Radio Spot
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